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Fiat 500
Fiat 500 2012
Fiat 500 2012 Gucci Bianco (White) #63384455 Photo #5
2012 Gucci Bianco (White) Fiat 500 c cabrio Gucci #63384455 Photo #5
2012 Fiat 500 c cabrio Gucci - Gucci Bianco (White) Color / 500 by Gucci Nero (Black) Interior
2012 500 Colors
Select a Color
Argento (Silver) (PS2)
Azzurro (Blue) (PBP)
Bianco (White) (PW3)
Bianco Perla (Pearl White) (PWH)
Espresso (Brown) (PTM)
Giallo (Yellow) (PYF)
Grigio (Grey) (PAJ)
Gucci Bianco (White) (PWT)
Gucci Nero (Black) (PXJ)
Mocha Latte (Light Brown) (PTA)
Nero (Black) (PXR)
Rame (Copper Orange) (PLB)
Rosso (Red) (PR1)
Rosso Brillante (Red) (PRA)
Verde Chiaro (Light Green) (PGA)
Verde Oliva (Green) (PFP)
2012 500 Data, Info and Specs
Gucci Bianco (White) 500
Fiat 500 c cabrio Gucci
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2012 Fiat 500 Gucci
2012 Fiat 500 c cabrio Gucci
2012 Fiat 500 Gucci
2012 Fiat 500 c cabrio Gucci
2012 Fiat 500 c cabrio Gucci
2012 Fiat 500 c cabrio Gucci