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Lamborghini Gallardo
Lamborghini Gallardo 2004
Lamborghini Gallardo 2004 Giallo Midas (Yellow) #79872603 Photo #14
2004 Giallo Midas (Yellow) Lamborghini Gallardo Coupe E-Gear #79872603 Photo #14
2004 Lamborghini Gallardo Coupe E-Gear - Giallo Midas (Yellow) Color / Nero Perseus Interior
2004 Gallardo Colors
Select a Color
Arancio Borealis
Balloon White
Blu Caelum
Giallo Halys (Yellow)
Giallo Midas
Giallo Midas (Yellow)
Grigio Altair (Silver) (LY7W)
Nero Noctis (Black)
Nero Serapis (Black Metallic)
Pearl Orange
Pearl Yellow
2004 Gallardo Data, Info and Specs
Giallo Midas (Yellow) Gallardo
Lamborghini Gallardo Coupe E-Gear
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2004 Lamborghini Gallardo Coupe