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Jaguar XJ
Jaguar XJ 2000
Jaguar XJ 2000 Carnival Red #74787200 Photo #5
2000 Carnival Red Jaguar XJ XJ8 #74787200 Photo #5
2000 Jaguar XJ XJ8 - Carnival Red Color / Oatmeal Interior
2000 XJ Colors
Select a Color
Alpine Metallic (HGF)
Anthracite Mica
British Racing Green (HGD)
Carnival Red (CGG)
Emerald Green
Platinum Silver
Seafrost Pearl (MDV)
Spindrift White (NEE)
Titanium Pearl
Topaz Metallic (SEC)
Westminster Blue
2000 XJ Data, Info and Specs
Carnival Red XJ
Jaguar XJ XJ8
Photo Gallery:
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More Carnival Red XJ Photos
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2000 Jaguar XJ XJ8
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2000 Jaguar XJ XJ8
2000 Jaguar XJ XJ8