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Hyundai Sonata
Hyundai Sonata 2006
Hyundai Sonata 2006 Aquamarine Pearl #110971122
2006 Aquamarine Pearl Hyundai Sonata LX V6 #110971122
2006 Hyundai Sonata LX V6 - Aquamarine Pearl Color / Beige Interior
2006 Sonata Colors
Select a Color
Aquamarine Pearl (U1)
Bright Silver (K1,S7)
Dark Cinnamon (W2)
Deepwater Blue
Ebony Black
Golden Beige (A1,B7)
Powder White Pearl (9Z)
Silver Blue Metallic (H1)
Steel Gray
2006 Sonata Data, Info and Specs
Aquamarine Pearl Sonata
Hyundai Sonata LX V6
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2006 Hyundai Sonata LX V6
2006 Hyundai Sonata GLS V6
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